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Animal Control...Out of Control In Connecticut

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

We are writing about the seizure of Joann Connelly's personal animals and those of the CT Pregnant Dog and Cat Rescue, which Joann operates, animals. Animal Control seized 33 dogs, 28 cats (one of which was killed by the seizure-raiders), five ducks, three goats, one parakeet (the parakeet they seized was killed by Animal Control - this is not rescue, but this happens time and time again. We also don't know how many more innocent animals the raiders have killed in the past 3+ months since they were seized/stolen), and one pony. In future blog posts, readers will see an abundance of corrupt behavior from government officials, and we pray that more animal lovers aren't abused like Joann has been abused.

A little background on Joann; First and foremost she is a very knowledgeable animal expert. She loves animals so much that she devotes hours and hours of her days caring for the animals she rescues from horrible circumstances and situations. She saw horrific living conditions for dogs living in Mexico, so Joann began helping rescue dogs from Mexico in order to give them a chance to be cared for and loved. She also rescues stateside, and locally.

For people who have ever been involved with a rescue, you know that many rescued dogs, cats, horses, burros, goats, rabbits, and other animals come in with various health/physical, and also psychological/behavioral issues. After Joann takes care of their issues, she finds each animal their forever home. She has been helping needy animals for several years.

Here is a list of some of the government corruption that Joann has had to deal with so far:

  1. Joann had moved from the family home where the animals in her care were kept. She spent hours each day at that property taking care of the animals. She cleaned cages daily and fed and watered daily. You will see that Department of Children and Families investigator Rooke claimed that Joann had "left behind"/abandoned the animals at the property where she was no longer living, something that couldn't be farther from the truth.,We in fact have Rooke on video during her visit with Joann's daughter on 3/21 being told by Joann that she is at the property where the animals are at taking care of them everyday. A court order had been issued for a DCF worker to visit with Joann's daughter one time by 3/22. One visit occurred where Joann and her daughter were living on 3/21, and a 2nd visit occurred at that same location on 3/22. During those visits, DCF investigator Rooke was also told that Joann was at her property everyday that she wasn't living at in order to take care of the animals that were there (you know, like many vet clinics/hospitals, and boarding kennels that do not have a person on-site 24/7). Joann was at the house when her attackers arrived illegally on 3/23, so it was obvious she hadn't abandoned the animals.

  2. Currently, Joann has an estranged 17 year old daughter. The daughter had gotten violent with Joann, assaulting and injuring her, but at the time of the DCF visits on 3/21 and 3/22, and also on 3/23 when DCF and law enforcement trespassed on Joann's property (and violated her 4th Amendment Rights) while she was there taking care of the animals, her daughter was still in her custody.

  3. Approximately mid-March 2022, the court ordered that DCF make contact for a welfare check for Joann's daughter. As already stated, that court order expired on March 22, 2022. Joann knew the court order had expired, and said as much to the trespassers on 3/23 during the attack and assault on her by one of the state cop thugs.

  4. Curious, though, the trespassers that showed up on March 23rd on Joann's property under the guise of the original excuse of animals "left behind"/abandoned animals - (Joann was there taking care of the animals, cleaning, feeding, watering, etc, so it was obvious the animals weren't abandoned) were lying, conniving DCF investigator Rooke (why didn't she simply turn an abandonment report over to animal control......why did she need to be there at all seeing she is with the Department of Children and Families and not Animal Control? That is a rhetorical question which we have the answer to because these same patterns of behavior in corrupt government agencies occur frequently and we have seen government agencies involve other agencies so that the swarm attacks come from multiple directions, which terrify's those who are being attacked even more) who called in back-up in the form of state police officers, a local cop, a local animal control officer, and a state Animal Control Officer. Quite frankly, if they really were there to find out if animals had been abandoned, as soon as they saw Joann there, and also her daughter, they should have left the property. But that is not what happened because the so-called "abandoned animals" was just a ruse to get them on the property without a search warrant or court order, which is a violation of Joann's 4th Amendment Rights. Instead, the intruders then doubled-down on their unlawful BS behavior, and that's when the cowardly state cop attacked and assaulted Joann, slamming her into the side of the house, and then handcuffed her. Then they triple-downed and lied and announced that they had a court order that allowed them to be on the property (remember, the court order had expired the day before on 3/22), and when they were told by Joann that they did not have a valid court order, and the one that had been in place had expired, they proceeded to trample the laws some more, and State ACO Tanya Wescovich began her blatantly unlawful search of the house/property without a warrant or a court order. Once again, so much for the "concerned" officers checking to see if animals had been abandoned. We have the photos of Joann's injuries which will be posted (the ACLU may be getting involved), along with a lot of other very interesting evidence of the arrogant, lying, control freak a**holes violating the law which they are sworn to uphold. We also have a lengthy audio recording of Joann being attacked which will be posted on this blog at a later date. Oh, one other interesting observation taken from the warrant application (it will be posted on the next blog and we will dissect it and point out the lies, BS, and absurd things): even more curious is the fact that DCF investigator Rooke got in touch with ACOs on 3/21 according to the warrant application submitted by Officer William Bell and Officer Tanya Wescovich, saying that animals were left behind/abandoned (she is captured on video being told by Joann on 3/21, the same day she conspired with ACOs, local cops, and state cops, that Joann is at the location where the animals are, taking care of them EVERYDAY), yet those supposed animal loving officers who are apparently pretending to be oh-so-concerned about animal welfare and abandoned, "left behind" animals, waited nearly 2 more days before checking on the possibly abandoned animals......hmmm, it almost seems like they all knew those animals weren't abandoned at all; what do ya all think?

  5. So this is pretty interesting.......the police have been ordered by the courts to wear body cameras in order to make police more accountable, and also to an extent, to protect them from false accusations of police brutality and wrongdoing. In Joann's case, most of her trespassing cop attackers wore body cameras, but because the attackers know they violated Joann's Constitutional Rights and brutally assaulted her (the ringleader cop did it with a smile on his face), their departments are refusing to release the body cameras footage after multiple requests beginning at the end of March 2022 (so over 3 months ago). They have told Joann and her attorneys the procedure to follow to secure the body cam footage, but when Joann and her attorneys jump through all of their hoops, no camera footage has been be honest, this evasive, and even illegal behavior on the part of police officers and departments who are conspiring is not surprising, and this is also NOT an isolated incident. Sooner or later we will get the body cam footage, and they better not have edited it because we will know if they have (there are folks around the country, and also outside the US, in our group who work on exposing these illegal seizures, and it never ceases to amaze us how many mistakes (such as tampering with evidence as just one example) the arrogant fools that perpetrate these attacks on animal owners make that often come back to bite them in the ass at a later date).

  6. On March 23rd, the attackers entered Joann's property and home illegally, trampling her 4th Amendment Rights, assaulting her and detaining her illegally, and did an illegal search of her home (we will be posting the application for the search warrant and pointing out all of the prejudicial, irrelevant information, false information, blatant lying, etc so that the public, and animal owners, can see how these unethical liars operate). On March 24th, ACO William A. Bell, presented so-called "evidence" collected illegally (a lot of hearsay, speculation, and opinions mostly, and some illegally taken photographs which we are happy to discuss in another blog in which we will illustrate the hypocritical behavior of morally bankrupt people who engage in seizures) by another State ACO by the name of Tanya Wescovich (remember that name, because in our opinion from studying hundreds of animal seizure cases, she figures prominently in this case regarding her "expertise" and ability to exaggerate, embellish, and lie) in order to attain a search and seizure warrant from a judge (their trespassing on the property was a fishing expedition that was a ploy so that they could case the place and illegally gather "evidence"), and when Joann happened to be at the target property taking care of all of the animals as she did every day without fail, they brutally attacked her even though they were violating the law and her Constitutional Rights. The application for the warrant was chock full of exaggeration and provable lies. Apparently the judge isn't concerned about cops lying on the application, and of course, he is not interested in the fact that they got the "evidence" illegally (more on the ACOs hypocritical "do as I say, not as I do" attitude in a future blog post).

  7. It's very interesting to us that Attorney General Tong took a special interest in Joann's case (it is an election year after all) and he has pretty much declared her guilty in public statements before she has had her day in court at a jury trial in front of her peers (in other words, he's effectively tainted the jury pools. He should be ashamed of himself). Apparently as the head lawyer in Connecticut, he hasn't heard about the principle of "innocent until proven guilty".

  8. Please think about this: If every veterinary clinic/hospital, rescue, breeder, animal shelter, boarding kennel, etc was raided in the early morning hours (we have members in our group who operate the aforementioned types of facilities) before they had had a chance to clean, or later in the afternoon when the animals have been pooping and peeing all day, they would all go to jail because that is all Joann did; she was cleaning on her schedule, not her dictator attackers. In the arrogant attackers skewed world where they really are dictators with supreme power over others, animal owners should be following their animals around and catching the poop as it comes out of the animals butt before it reaches the floor. They should also be catching the urine in a cup, and then just think how much money owners/caretakers would save not having to buy pee-pee pads, kitty litter (which Joann's attackers have been whining about needing the generous public to pay for - sure doesn't seem like this seizure was well-planned at all when the attackers are having to literally beg for money and supplies for the animals they seized - word to the wise; you numb skulls better keep a precise inventory and accounting of the material goods and money you're receiving as donations because that is NOT free stuff and money for you to do whatever you please with. The IRS is going to want to see those records and documents, especially when it is suggested to them that they need to look deeper into the financials associated with a questionable animal seizure. Material good donations do have a way of disappearing because as we've frequently seen, some of the raiders have very sticky fingers and they think that stuff being donated is theirs to use on their personal animals), pooper-scoopers, etc.

Of course, we will be doing much more in-depth reporting on the above illegal behavior in this particular case, and also much more history regarding the past and current activities of the primary players that will expose their arrogant, dishonest, manipulative, abusive actions and behavior (An FYI: a large percentage of animal seizures and raids are NOT really about animal welfare because if they were, helping the animal owner and keeping them together with their animals would be a first resort rather than one not used at all. Instead, animal seizures are about those in positions of power conspiring to satisfy their enormous egos, make $$$$ (animal brokering and trafficking under the guise of "animal welfare/animal rescue" can put a lot of money, and material goods in peoples pockets in the form of undocumented donations from caring animal lovers who truly want to help (but they often don't research and follow-up on where their donated funds are going and how they are being used), "adoption fees" (well sought after, desirable dogs, horses, some breeds of cats, and even rabbits and goats, can bring a pretty penny in adoption fees), kickbacks to ACOs paid to them by "rescues" needing to secure more adoptable "inventory", outrageously inflated impound fees, etc), have power over others, and various other negatives of human nature.

Please Stay Tuned because we have much more factual evidence secured from various sources, and also photo, video, and audio files that we will share with you. Things are fixin' to get hot for some people when their feet are held to the fire of truth and public opinion.

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